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1Life1Health was established to motivate people to take charge of their health using natural therapies and to assist people to develop daily life skills and habits that will ensure a happy, healthy body and mind. 


Screening tools are used to uncover health issues and challenges as well as indepth analysis of lifestyle habits.  Additionally we provide nutritional eating plans, lifestyle recommendation and info sheets.


On-site consultations are conducted by Janet Nagel, wellness practitioner of 20 years.  She uses live blood screening using a microscope, where the blood can be viewed and discussed immediately.  Then the BodySonic MRA screening device, which scans the entire body and gives a thorough idea of health issues.


REMOTE CONSULTATIONS from anywhere in the world can be arranged by sending a DNA sample of hair or nail clippings for testing, followed by a Zoom or WhatsApp consultation.  Please BOOK HERE





Janet Nagel


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Disclaimer: All content and media on the Website are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Read More....

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